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The Tales of Zren Janin by ML Dunker


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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The Tales of Zren Janin by ML Dunker

“A deliberately paced work, but one with an expansive and ultimately engrossing setting.” – Kirkus review of A Gift of the Stars
“…new readers will fall for Zren, who often doubts himself and his abilities but tries his hardest to be whatever his friends need him to be. Although this fantasy tale is written for young adults, it’s sure to appeal to adult readers as well.” – Kirkus review of War and Wrens
“…engaging adventure-series” – Kirkus review of Exile: A New Beginning

The Tales of Zren Janin are stories of adventure, political intrigue, soldiers, spies, and bravery where no one is safe, promises are casually broken, and justice demands a price. The five book series is complete, and there is a sixth bnous book containing short stories in the Zreniverse.
For readers who like great worldbuilding in a South Pacific setting, heart-pounding escapes, stories about spies, saboteurs, and survivors when the odds are never in their favor.

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Author Bio:​

ML Dunker loves to travel more than anything else and believes a passport is the most important piece of paper anyone will ever own. After years of working and traveling in the South Pacific and SE Asia, she now writes full time about the places, people, foods, and events she encountered (although heavily fictionalized and recast in an imaginary world.) She would never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
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