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The Hollywood Assistant: Life Below The Line by Micheal HaDera


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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The Hollywood Assistant: Life Below The Line by Micheal HaDera

Micheal HaDera’s The Hollywood Assistant: Life Below The Line is a shocking insider’s tale about the inner workings of one man’s life inside a major Hollywood production. He details the everyday trials and tribulations of a Hollywood producer assistant in full color, leaving no surprising detail, ridiculous request or scandalous event out, giving the reader insight into the multi-billion-dollar Hollywood machine that they would never find anywhere else. Including an Oscar winning actress, a Golden Globe winning actress and a pedophilic director, it is a truly unique tale that only someone in the business could provide. It will leave you shaking your head and looking at the next blockbuster movie you watch through a completely different set of eyes.

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Author Bio:​

At the age of eight, Micheal HaDera announced to his family that he would one day move to Hollywood and work in the movies. Through his entire adolescence, Micheal was glued to the screen and when he wasn’t watching television he was forcing his parents to take him to the theatres. In the seventh grade Micheal was accidentally introduced to writing by his language arts teacher, he instantly fell in love with it and it confirmed that the arts is where he belonged.

Following his passion he went on to an arts high school where he focused on television production, dance and drama. He then went to film school in Vancouver, BC where he studied Motion Picture and Television Production.

After spending nearly a decade working on feature films and television series for some of the biggest studios and networks (Disney, Fox, Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, ABC & NBC), Micheal decided to put himself center stage and transition his career and focus on being a writer and started by with his first novel “The Hollywood Assistant: Life below the line” a story he felt needed to be told.
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