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The Confession by Chad Miller


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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The Confession by Chad Miller

The year is 1887 and in the quaint Pennsylvania town of Temple, Isabella Strohmeyer stumbles upon a gruesome scene: her father and stepmother brutally hacked to death. As the police investigation unfolds, gossip and rumors swirl through the tight-knit community. The Strohmeyer household, always steeped in simmering tension, harbors secrets that echo within its halls.

As an arrest is made, the town becomes embroiled in the trial of the century. Grisly truths emerge and no one is prepared for the shocking conclusion of this dark tale.

This harrowing story, loosely inspired by the Lizzie Borden murders, will send chills up your spine.

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Author Bio:​

Chad Miller has been writing dark fiction, horror, and mysteries for over 25 years. Deeply inspired by the works of Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, and Kurt Vonnegut, he’s been studying to create his unique voice. His dark historical mystery, Prisoner of Despair reads like classic horror and is available now! His new novel, The Confession was just released! His Cerberus novellas will be re-released into one gripping novel this fall. Chad is a pharmacist and lives in Delaware. Chad enjoys playing guitar and going to the theater, museums, and being immersed in culture that large cities can provide.
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