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The Arrangement by K.C. Crowne


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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About Featured Book: The Arrangement by K.C. Crowne

He’s old enough to be my father.
He might have killed my boyfriend.
And his scandalous offer leaves me speechless.

Not only is my boyfriend dead, he left me with a sizable loan in my name.
So an intimidating Russian mobster arrives at my door.
He proposes an unthinkable arrangement: repay him with my body.
I immediately reject his offer … but the indecent proposal haunts me for days.

In the privacy of my bed…
The handsome silver fox dominates my thoughts.
I touch myself gently and scream his name in abandon.
A knock at the door startles me.
It’s Maksim.
He bugged my apartment.

And now he’s here to claim what we both desperately need.

This Erotica book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

This book is in Kindle Unlimited! It is also a new release!

Buy Book Here.
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