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Surf City Acid Drop by Craig Terlson


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Surf City Acid Drop by Craig Terlson

In between happy hours at the El Rayo Verde, Luke Fischer is hired to find people – even when he denies that he is a detective. When Luke finds a dead junkie in his hotel room, he knows his lazy days of Mexican beer, surf rock, and Cholula soaked peanuts are about to end. Fearing the local policia will tie him to the murder, Luke bolts from Puerto Vallarta and abandons his search for his client’s wandering brother.

When Luke runs into a thug known as Mostly Harold, who has a fondness for lizard boots and Burt Bacharach, he discovers that he is not the only one looking for his client’s brother. Luke chases leads into Colorado Springs, the hazy mountains of Missoula, and all the way to the street life of Montreal. Along the way, Luke finds out the truth about his client, and why someone would pay a fortune for a bag of stolen rocks… but more importantly, why he was really hired.

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Author Bio:​

Craig Terlson’s fiction has appeared in Lit Hub, Mystery Weekly, Carve, Hobart, Smokelong Quarterly, Punk Noir, 3:AM, Mystery Tribune and many other literary journals in the United States, United Kingdom, and South Africa. He is the author of six novels, a novella, and a short story collection.

His work creates bridges between literary fiction, crime fiction, and at times, slipstream or magic realism. Throughout his writing, he brings a quirky, dark sense of humour and an ear for the dialogue he heard growing up on the Canadian prairies. His prose possesses a cinematic quality and an eye for detail stemming from his years as a professional illustrator.
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