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Stolen Lives by Joseph Lewis


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Mar 19, 2024
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Stolen Lives by Joseph Lewis

FREE from April 14 through April 17 for the Kindle Verson on Amazon

2021 Finalist, The Best Thriller Book Awards on BestThrillers.com

2021 Literary Titan Gold Award Winner

“Stolen Lives represents an exciting probe of abduction and unusual connections between fourteen-year-old victims, and is recommended reading for thriller and intrigue fans…” -Diane Donovan, Midwest Book Review

“A riveting murder mystery that slowly unravels a puzzling crime that will have readers furiously flipping pages.” -Literary Titan

“A harrowing and unforgettable FBI thriller.” –BestThrillers.com

Three fourteen-year-old boys are inextricably linked by abduction and murder.

Two boys were just abducted off a safe suburban street. Kelliher and his team of FBI agents have 24 hours to find them or they’ll end up like all the others… dead! They have no leads, no clues, and nothing to go on. And the possibility exists that one of his team members might be involved. A fourth boy, George Tokay, a Navajo, holds a key piece to this puzzle and doesn’t realize it.

Kelliher and his team have been on this case for two years. There isn’t much to go on, and each time he gets a break, potential witnesses are found dead. The stories of these boys are like loose threads on a sweater: pull the wrong one and it unravels completely. Slowly, Kelliher realizes that there may be one or more members of his team behind it all.

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Author Bio:​

Joseph Lewis has semi-retired as a teacher, coach, counselor and administrator. He is an award-winning author and uses his psychology and counseling background to craft thriller/crime/detective mysteries with a strong coming-of-age theme embedded within. His books have won nearly 20 awards. His newest, Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) drops January 2025.

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Lewis has been happily married to his wife, Kim. Together they have three wonderful children: Wil (deceased July 2014), Hannah, and Emily. He and his wife now live in Virginia.
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