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Purgatory Musings by George William Bryan


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Purgatory Musings by George William Bryan

Speculation is that our world of common experience, with its mix of good and evil within us, as well as without, is in fact an odyssey of repetition and judgement. It is our home, it is Purgatory. Purgatory Musings is a new release book of verses and poetry.

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Author Bio:​

Dr Bryan is a retired psychiatrist presently living in the suburbs of Paris, France, with his wife, Genevieve. He had practised psychiatry in Ventura, California, specialising in adolescent juvenile offenders, with training in psychoanalytic theory. His first wife died several years ago from a protracted illness that resulted in his turning to a different view of what he had been writing for many years. After more than twenty years of meditation, a spiritual awakening occurred as a consequence of her loss and the writing turned to that experience, enhanced by his psychoanalytic knowledge.
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