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Kiss of Redemption by Maggie Cole


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Kiss of Redemption by Maggie Cole

When your brother’s best friend went to jail for killing him and gets paroled after 10 years…
There are holes in your memory from that night, but there is no way he could have done it.
Beckett makes it clear he only wants me.
I should stay far away, but I can’t.
Now, our past is coming to destroy us.

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Author Bio:​

Maggie Cole is committed to bringing her readers alphalicious book boyfriends and fiercely strong heroines.

She’s been called the literary master of steamy romance. Her books are full of raw emotion, suspense, and will always keep you wanting more. She is a masterful storyteller of contemporary romance and loves writing about broken people who rise above the ashes.

Maggie lives in Florida with her son. She loves tennis, yoga, paddleboarding, boating, other water activities, and everything naughty.
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