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Influencer Marketing Resources: March 2024


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Mar 19, 2024
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Trends in social media: The Motherhood scours the headlines so you don’t have to. Check back throughout the month for more!

Influencer Marketing Industry Resources


The nearly annual discussions of the U.S. banning TikTok have been a simmering source of anxiety for creators on the platform, but one that most TikTokers were confident would never materialize. Now, though, creators believe the likelihood of TikTok being banned in the country is higher than ever before, sparking an urgency for influencers to look to other platforms and sources of revenue.

5 Tips For Collaborating With Instagram Influencers – March 14, 2024

For brands looking to create authentic connections with their audiences on Instagram, influencer partnerships have become a powerful tool. Strategically leveraging these partnerships can significantly enhance brand credibility and reach. The collaboration feature on Instagram is a newer feature that allows you to collaborate with other accounts. When you collaborate on a post, it appears on the pages of all those who collaborate, allowing you to tap into each other’s audiences.

Are brand-led creator communities the next evolution of influencer marketing? – March 13, 2024

To form deeper, more authentic relationships with consumers, brands like Claire’s and Pacsun are launching their own creator communities to help them produce content, provide product inspiration, and advise on marketing campaigns. “Brands are looking to deepen relationships with influencers and creators to go beyond social posts,” said Keith Bendes, vice president strategy and partnerships at influencer marketing company Linqia. “This includes creative consulting, product testing, industry insight sourcing, and more.”

Influencer Marketing 3.0: A Dive Into AI’s Impact On Engagement – March 12, 2024

As someone who’s navigated the crossroads of technology and marketing for over two decades, I’ve witnessed firsthand the seismic shifts in how brands connect with their audiences. My unique vantage point comes from not just observing but actively engaging with the evolution of influencer marketing—from its humble beginnings to the dawn of Influencer Marketing 3.0.

Logan Paul’s Prime Hydration Offers Lessons On Influencer Marketing – March 12, 2024

Forget sponsored posts, the influencer game has leveled up. Today manufacturers and influencers are joining forces to create new brands. This win-win situation leverages content creators’ reach and expertise to develop innovative products that stand out from the crowd.

How To Refresh 17 Tried-And-True Marketing Strategies For Gen-Z – March 10, 2024

Successful marketing strategies of the past are continually being reimagined and tailored to resonate with new generations. As Gen-Z emerges as a dominant consumer demographic in 2024, marketing agencies are adapting and modernizing tried-and-true tactics to capture this young generation’s attention and engagement.

Why Ronnie2K Is The Prototype For Reimagining Influencer Marketing – March 10, 2024

Vogue Business declared that the Instagram era of influencer brands is over. The consequence of this sunsetting is said to have made way for a new period of influencer engagement, one that meets the expectations of consumers who have seemingly grown weary of overly manicured brand-influencer partnerships. This new era apparently favors more organic pairings between brands and influencers that appear to be more authentic and less manufactured.

Has The Era Of Brand Trips Run Its Course? – March 8, 2024

“IF YOU AIN’T got no money, take yo’ broke ass home!” If the lyrics of Fergie’s chart-topping hit “Glamorous” as a fitting soundtrack don’t clue you into the aesthetics of makeup brand Tarte’s recent influencer trip, the countless videos flooding TikTok for-you-pages certainly will. Last week, Tarte sent a group of makeup, lifestyle, and fashion influencers on an all-expenses paid trip to a Four Seasons hotel on the Polynesian island of Bora Bora, where they drank, partied, and at one point, danced next to a life-sized mascot of the brand’s best-selling concealer. Some of the most popular creators on TikTok — Like Vidya Gopalan and Mackenzie Ziegler— posted dozens of videos opening massive boxes of free merchandise, flying on private planes, and partying poolside. But from the pageantry of the tropical getaway, accusations of the trip being tone-deaf coupled with the memory of Tarte’s past faux pas have created a massive discussion online. Brand trips have long been treated as a necessary part of influencer marketing — but are they past their prime?


Creators are an integral part of many marketers’ efforts to reach Gen Z consumers. At Ad Age’s Gen Z Summit conference yesterday, several marketing executives and creators—many of whom are Gen Zers themselves—discussed the influencer marketing strategies they’re leveraging to engage with the coveted age cohort.

How To More Effectively Select Influencers For Your Next Campaign – March 7, 2024

It’s 2024. It feels like everyone’s an influencer. As a brand, how can you separate the top performers from the pack? Most brands and agencies still rely on surface metrics and gut feel to select influencers for campaigns. But these methods can’t predict performance, which often leads to budgets wasted on poor-performing influencers.

Deinfluencers are hurting Dyson and Stanley. This is how they should respond – March 5, 2024

Brands are expected to spend $7bn on influencer marketing in 2024. But a rising generation of creators aims to build audience trust by adopting a different approach: Convincing people not to buy products. Deinfluencers are social media creators who discourage users from spending money on viral items rather than promoting them. They often refute influencer recommendations, share their own negative experiences, and critique items and companies they find overhyped. Last year, as deinfluencers erupted into the mainstream, TikTok posts tagged #deinfluencing drew more than 750 million views.

B2B Influencer Marketing: It’s Not Rocket Science – March 5, 2024

B2B advertising is boring. That’s what nearly half of business buyers told PR Web in a 2018 survey. And it seems to have gotten worse since then. In 2023, The Power of Provocation discovered that a staggering 82% of business decision-makers considered B2B marketing monotonous and repetitive, while a mere 1% believed it demonstrated a meaningful understanding of the human experience. This signals a massive opportunity for B2B marketers to redefine their approach, and the ideal place to start is on social media.

Why ‘surprise and delight’ doesn’t apply to influencer gifting anymore – March 4, 2024

When creator Olivia Marcus was surprised with a giant, lipstick-shaped PR package from MAC Cosmetics filled with confetti and 19 lipsticks, her reaction was not one of delight. Instead of posting what the makeup brand may have hoped would be a fun unboxing video, Marcus instead posted about how “wasteful and gluttonous” unprompted influencer gifting can be, along with the annoyances of “glitter bombing.” (MAC did not respond to Marketing Brew’s requests for comment; Marcus declined to comment.)

Not your boomer’s influencer: the rapidly evolving world of influencer marketing – March 4, 2024

Depending on the context and where, when, and whom you ask, the term can be a noun, a verb, or quickly modified into an adjective. For Dale Carnegie, influence was a skill you used to win friends; for the stars of Hollywood’s golden age, influence was currency sold in the form of endorsement deals for everything from cigarettes and chocolate to heavy machinery; and alongside the rise of social media heavyweights, “influencer” was added to our modern lexicon in 2019 as something of a catch-all for a new generation of brand ambassadors. In other words, the use of influence to drive behavior and desire has been around, in different iterations and conjugations, for generations.

What Affiliate And Influencer Marketing Can Teach Each Other – March 1, 2024

In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, the cyclical nature of success often prompts a return to proven strategies. As someone who’s been working in affiliate and influencer marketing for over a decade, I think brand managers, e-commerce professionals and agencies using these forms of marketing can learn a lot from each other.


LinkedIn—arguably the most uncool place on the internet—is becoming a hot spot for influencer marketing. Case in point: There’s a new agency called Creator Authority that is entirely focused on brokering deals between creators and brands on the platform. Founded in January 2024 by Brendan Gahan, former Mekanism partner and chief innovation officer, and Mandi Hopper, formerly of influencer agency Collectively, Creator Authority bills itself as a “LinkedIn influencer marketing company,” Gahan said. The creator agency offers services including influencer discovery, strategy development, content management, reporting and paid media.

As influencers replace journalists, a ‘jinfluencer’ is born – March 1, 2024

Brand owners – it’s 2025, your funnel doesn’t resemble a funnel any more, your media distribution plan only features vertical media, and everyone is banging on about ‘jinfluencers.’ A turf war is going on for the vestments of publishing right now, and ‘jinfluencers’ ( journalist + influencer) are at the heart of it.

How influencers and content creators are reshaping brand strategies – February 27, 2024

Content creators and influencers are now achieving the same level of engagement once reserved for traditional advertising methods like billboards, print ads and TV commercials. They’re captivating millions with content that deeply connects with their followers. Influencer and creator marketing is becoming the mainstay for brands aiming to reach their audience where they are: online and engaged in a two-way conversation. This shift is powered by the authenticity and relatability of influencers, qualities that traditional advertising mediums struggle to match.

Six Guidelines For Influencer Marketing In 2024 – February 26, 2024

Over the last 20 years, I’ve had the opportunity to be part of a dramatic evolution in the marketing world, driven by the birth and meteoric rise of creator-based marketing. This shift from traditional marketing to a creator-centric approach didn’t just open up new avenues for individuals to connect with audiences; it also gave brands fresh and exciting ways to reach specific market segments.

TikTok’s best-dressed comedian ‘got it from Nuuly’—and landed a brand partnership – February 23, 2024

If you look in the comments on any TikTok from creator-comedian Sabrina Brier, one thing is usually clear: People really want to know where her outfits are from. On Instagram, there is an account dedicated to sharing what she’s worn in her posts, and interest in her wardrobe can be seen in conversations on TikTok, Reddit, and X. If Brier doesn’t directly tell people in the comments where she got something, then viewers who know are often quick to jump in to share that many of her outfits can be found on Nuuly.


18 Essentials Nonprofits Shouldn’t Skimp On – March 15, 2024

Economic conditions can adversely impact organizations in any industry, but nonprofits often feel that strain acutely. As budgets tighten and uncertain financial futures come into play, it’s tempting for executives to cut costs across the organization. However, some expenses should always be considered essentials, even if funds are tight.


How To Build The Right Marketing Team In 2024 And Beyond – March 12, 2024

According to a survey by McKinsey & Company, CEOs who place marketing at the core of their growth strategy are twice as likely to have greater than 5% annual growth compared with their peers. Yet the same survey found disconnects among CEOs and CMOs, one being the underestimated potential for marketing to drive growth.


Don’t snooze on the booming business of sleep tourism – March 11, 2024

One in three adults don’t get enough sleep, and 50m-70m Americans have chronic sleep disorders. And it’s fueling a thriving sleep tourism industry, which is expected to grow by ~8% — more than $400B — between 2023 and 2028. Now, the hospitality industry is embracing sleep as the main event for tourists rather than an afterthought, per The New York Times.Social News

TikTok Adds New Influencer Audio Clips to Its Commercial Sounds Library – March 17, 2024

TikTok has added some new elements to its “Sounds for Business” audio library, with extra audio clips from a range of TikTok influencers, which are free to use for advertisers in the app.

Instagram Experiments With More Frames Within Carousel Posts – March 14, 2024

Instagram’s experimenting with broader carousel posts, with some users now able to add up to 15 images to their IG carousel uploads. As you can see in this example, shared by creator economy expert Lia Haberman, some users are being notified that they can now add up to 15 images to a single post, which is an increase from the current limit of 10 posts within a carousel. That could give you more capacity to showcase your latest holiday in a single stream, or provide more context about a project, event, etc.

LinkedIn Will Now Enable Brands to Sponsor Any Organic Post in the App – March 13, 2024

LinkedIn is expanding its Thought Leader ads into its own version of branded content promotion, by enabling businesses to promote content from any user in the app, not just their own employees. Up till now, brands have been able to use Thought Leader ads to convert posts from verified employees of their organization into promotions. But now, businesses will also be able to promote non-employee posts as well, if they choose.

TikTok Adds Search Insights to Better Inform Content Strategies – March 13, 2024

TikTok’s rolling out a new analytics element called “Creator Search Insights”, which will provide creators with info on what users are searching for in the app, so that they can customize their content approach in line with interests.

US House of Representatives Approves TikTok Sell-off Proposal – March 13, 2024

TikTok is gearing up for a legal battle in the U.S., after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a new bill that would force a sell-off of the Chinese-owned app due to national security concerns. To recap, last week, a bipartisan bill was put forward which seeks to force TikTok into U.S. ownership, or face a ban in the region. The intention of the proposal is to limit the impact and influence of “foreign adversary controlled” apps and websites, and the initial proposal was passed by the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week.

TikTok Shares Insights Into How To Reach Women With Brand Messaging – March 8, 2024

TikTok has published a new guide on how marketers can connect with women with their messaging, which could have a big impact on the reach and resonance of their campaigns. As per TikTok: “In a landscape where women have renewed cultural status and huge influence in marketing, brands will need to rethink their creative approach to reaching women, revisiting how they view them as both consumers and creative partners. Doing so will help them tap into the huge power that women have both as creators and as consumers.”

TikTok Calls on US Users to Oppose Latest Proposal to Ban App – March 7, 2024

TikTok is once again calling on its U.S. users to lobby the government on its behalf in light of the latest push by U.S. lawmakers to ban the app. Earlier this week, a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers proposed a new bill in the House of Representatives that would essentially force TikTok’s parent company ByteDance to sell the platform into U.S. ownership, or it would be banned from America entirely. The proposal stems from concerns that TikTok is providing U.S. user data to the Chinese government, which still looms as a threat.

Musk Says That X Will Soon Remove the Like, Re-Post and Reply Buttons In-Stream – March 7, 2024

Elon Musk is looking to make his next big change at the platform formerly known as Twitter, with Musk reiterating his plan to remove the reply, like and re-share buttons from X posts in-feed, leaving only the total view count and time posted.

Brands spent nearly $4 billion on TikTok ads in 2023: report – March 5, 2024

These days, TikTok is omnipresent in the culture. And advertisers are taking advantage. In Q4 of 2023, ad spend on the platform reached $1.2 billion, according to a report from MediaRadar; that was a 43% increase from the $805 million advertisers spent in the first quarter of the year. Amazon, Apple, Comcast, DoorDash, and The Walt Disney Company spent the most money advertising on the platform in 2023. On average, 11,800 companies spent $318 million per month.

Google Announces New Core Algorithm Update for Search – March 5, 2024

Get ready for fluctuations in your Google Search traffic, with Google today announcing a new “core update” to its algorithms, aimed at reducing spam and low-quality results. Which, in theory, should be a good thing, but you never know exactly how these things are going to play out.

TikTok Announces New Incentive Options for Creative Talent – March 5, 2024

TikTok will now enable all creators to offer subscription packages, not just live creators, as part of its latest effort to provide more monetization options to keep top talent posting to the app.

TikTok says that its subscription option, formerly known as “LIVE Subscription”, will be expanded to non-LIVE creators in the coming weeks.

Social Platforms’ Changing Approaches To Political and News Content Could Sway Upcoming Elections – March 3, 2024

It’s interesting to note the varying approaches that each social app is taking to political content, as we head into what’s expected to be a particularly tumultuous election period. Not only do you have the U.S. election, which is coming up on November 5th, but also heading to the polls this year are India (May), the European Union (June), the U.K., South Africa, and a heap more.

TikTok Shares Insights with Monthly Trends Digest – February 29, 2024

TikTok has launched a new monthly “Trends Digest” series, which will provide an overview of the latest trends that are gaining traction in the app, with additional notes on how you can incorporate each into your content approach. TikTok says that it’s identified its trending list by taking a broader view of what’s gaining traction, as opposed to smaller “moments” and fads

A minority of TikTok users are responsible for most of the platform’s content – February 22, 2024

Most of the content on TikTok comes from the same, small group of users. The “most active” 25% of US adult users on TikTok are responsible for 98% of public content on the platform, the Pew Research Center found in a new report published on Thursday. Pew determined the threshold for “most active” as a user who’s posted at least seven public videos. Pew previously found the same trend on X, where the most active 20% of users were responsible for 97% of all tweets in 2021.

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