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If There Be Witches, Spirits Will Walk by Jean Luntz


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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If There Be Witches, Spirits Will Walk by Jean Luntz

Charity is pursued by the people who labeled her mother a witch and want her dead. Philip has been wrongly executed for a murder he did not commit. Together they work to assist her father, Osborne, and his cousin, Liam Willard, clear their names. Uncovering a nefarious plot to control Salem, their Church, and gain power in colonial Massachusetts, the four attempt to gain retribution before it’s too late. Will love beyond the grave save their families, while rewarding two innocent souls?

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Author Bio:​

Jean Luntz always wanted to be an author, penning her first novel in fifth grade. Winning the Atlantic Monthly writing contest and being published encouraged her. She continued writing, creating short plays, short stories, poetry, and published several magazine articles. After attending Northwestern University, and the University of Texas at Austin, Jean rounded out her education with a Master in Library and Information Science. She writes novels using historical settings that contain ghosts, mysticism, suspense, and fantasy elements as well as characters falling in love. In addition to writing, she trains dogs for competitive dog sports such as agility, scent-work, and obedience.
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