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How to Cut Broccoli into Florets (and Cauliflower, too!)


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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How to Cut Broccoli into Florets (and Cauliflower, too!)

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial for how to cut broccoli into florets when you pick up a whole head from the store! Cutting a crown of broccoli (or cauliflower) into both large AND small florets is easy, fast, and doesn’t have to create a huge mess. This method of cutting broccoli is clean and you get the most out of this healthy vegetable with almost no waste!

Cutting broccoli was an enigma to me for a long time. I’d usually just hack at it until I had reasonably sized broccoli for whatever I was making. I was often left with a HUGE mess on my cutting board of stray pieces of broccoli and tiny green buds. Until I saw the light! Er, I mean, learned the correct way to cut broccoli.

It’s actually SUPER easy to cut broccoli into beautiful florets. Even those tricky middle-of-the-crown pieces. The trick lies in never touching the dark green buds with a knife. You’ll do all the cutting on the stems. I’ll show you how.

You can use the cut broccoli florets for so many things, including in salads, to use in recipes, or just to enjoy as a healthy snack with your favorite dip.

...GET THE RECIPE for How to Cut Broccoli into Florets (and Cauliflower, too!)!
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