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Get Forked®: Heal & Transform Your Life with Tuning Forks by Lisa Alexander


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Mar 19, 2024
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Get Forked®: Heal & Transform Your Life with Tuning Forks by Lisa Alexander

If you want to help yourself and others heal physically, emotionally, and mentally, as well as transform spiritually, keep reading.

Many people are struggling with health issues, physical pain, and emotional burdens, or are seeking changes in their world — whether in finances, career, or relationships. They’ve tried a few things with little success and are ready for a new approach.

Have you been feeling ill, unhappy, or just not right? Are you tired of allopathic (traditional Western) doctors and medications? Have you tried chiropractors, acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, and various energy healings and talk therapies — and still feel no real improvement?

Do you feel like you’ve read every self-help book out there — you’ve been practicing the “laws of the universe” and positive thinking — yet your life still feels like it’s in the dumps? Well, there was a time when Lisa Alexander did too!

Through years of research in quantum metaphysics, vibration, and energy, Lisa found a way to hack our vibrational energy systems to bring us into a higher state of alignment with all the things we want in our life.

Buy the book, and follow the author on social media:​

Get This How To & Advice Book.

Author Bio:​

LISA ALEXANDER, Ph.D., is a Quantum Metaphysician, teacher, practitioner, and creator of The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy. Her unique, advanced program bridges the gap between science and spirituality to offer healing services through each layer of our existence. An advocate for improved living, Alexander calls on a diverse personal and professional history to serve individual clients and students and provide transformational speaking, coaching, and advisory services.
A lifelong learner, teacher, and researcher, Lisa was led down a new path by a series of traumatic experiences. She researched and explored the science behind metaphysics to better understand the nature of otherworldly events that were transpiring in her life. Through this research and its outcomes, she carefully crafted and pioneered a unique modality to help others understand, heal, and transform various aspects of their life to live a better, healthier, and fully realized existence. She is also the inventor of the revolutionary Pineal Gland Crystal Activation and Gateway Tuning Fork® Set and the creator of top-quality, medical-grade tuning forks and accessories.
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