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Emma’s Perfect Puppy by Maleena Imbeah


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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About Featured Book: Emma’s Perfect Puppy by Maleena Imbeah

Emma has wanted a puppy for as long as she can remember. She is eight years old, almost nine, and on a mission to achieve this long-standing dream. It’s now or never, she believes. But her parents and older sister think she is not responsible enough to own a puppy. Despite the many obstacles in her way, she is unwavering in her quest for a puppy of her own. She is determined to do whatever it takes to get and keep a puppy forever. It’s a story of determination, challenges, love, and surprise. Will her long-standing dream ever be fulfilled?

Maleena Imbeah was born in Ghana, West Africa. She was educated at Achimota School in Accra and then at the University of Ghana, Legon. She then went overseas for postgraduate studies. After her studies, she lived and worked in different countries for over forty years.

Maleena self-published her first children’s book, Akos Moves Back to Africa in 2015, in paperback format. She had previously self-published a Ghanaian language book Let’s Speak Fanti in 2014, in paperback and audio formats. Both of her books are selling on Amazon. She also self-published a memoir about her 40 years of travels, in 2016, to share her experiences with family and friends.

On her retirement in 2018, she returned home to Ghana where she lives with her husband. They have two adult daughters. Maleena has since resumed writing and has also taken up gardening and fish farming as hobbies.

This Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

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