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Darkest Sin by Sheridan Anne


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Darkest Sin by Sheridan Anne

Thrown in a cage and stripped of my dignity, I was auctioned to the highest bidder, but I never imagined that I’d end my night in the home of Killian DeLorenzo—head of the Romanian Mafia and the most powerful man in the country.

To know him is to fear him, and I just became his newest possession.

Pleasing him comes easily, but what I didn’t expect was the effect he would have on my heart.

This world is no place for a girl like me, and navigating it might just kill me quicker than he ever could. I know I should run, but his vile, wicked ways are a temptation no woman could possibly resist. So I must rise to the occasion—prove once and for all that I have what it takes.

Or die trying.

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Author Bio:​

Sheridan Anne is the author of all things twisted, dark, and just a little messed up. She writes mainly Dark Contemporary Romance and has been known to dabble in the Fantasy world and more recently, diving head first into Reverse Harem.

She lives in the beautiful Hawkesbury region of Australia with killer spiders, boxing kangaroos, and too many nope ropes to count.

When she’s not locked in her writing cave, she’s out living life with her wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters.

Sheridan has been publishing since December 2017 and has put her heart and soul into her work. Since then, she has watched as her career has flourished and become something so much more than she could have ever dreamed.
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