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Broken Lance by William H. Brown


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Mar 19, 2024
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Broken Lance by William H. Brown

Follow protagonist Lieutenant Elias James in the new historical novel, Broken Lance, by William H. Brown. This volume is the third in an expected series of six historically accurate books. Lieutenant James, an aide to Major General Andrew Jackson, survives battle after battle in an exciting tale of the Creek Indian War of 1813 1814. On March 27, 1814, the Creek Indians were defeated at Horseshoe Bend on the Tallapoosa River in east-central Alabama. It us ironic that this was three days short of one year since the Fort Mims massacre. Their defeat required the Creek Indians to forfeit twenty-two million acres, including what is now Alabama, to the U. S. Federal Government. This victory catapults Major General Andrew Jackson into national celebrity status.

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Author Bio:​

Dr. William H. Brown grew up in southeast Alabama. He was the middle child of five, with both a brother and sister older and younger. His mother told such colorful tales about her childhood, he developed a love for family and family history. He thought about majoring in it, but was advised against it, so he turned to computer science and business. His career in higher education, as teacher and administrator, spanned over thirty years. Today, he sits in his office and fictionalizes the history he so loves.
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