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Be the Change: An Empowering and Healing Handbook for Women by Jennifer Soran Boon


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Mar 19, 2024
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Be the Change: An Empowering and Healing Handbook for Women by Jennifer Soran Boon

You: you’re a woman, you’re going about your day, in the busyness, in the jobs. The humdrum of life. No space or time to go within. You feel exhausted, fed up, resentful at the way life has become: an endless stream of obligations and to-dos.

Whether you believe it or not, you are in the cage of being a woman at this time. Being a woman keeps us in shackles of expectations: of ‘nice’, of an unspoken but felt cage of what is a woman in this time.

Being a woman in this time keeps us small. It keeps us from shining our lights. We are more than this.

This book guides you through stepping into being more than what we have been shackled to.

Be the Change is a book to ignite the change within you so that you are empowered to heal and connect back into your inner world with love and back onto your soul path with courage.

It is a soul call to all women who know in their hearts that there is something more to being a woman and something more to this life.

This book is channelled wisdom, filled with practical ways and journal prompts to guide you in the journey of going inside of you and healing.

Let’s make the ripples of love and change in our lives for us and for the women who will come after us and for the world.

Be the change.

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Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author’s Website.

Author Bio:​

Jennifer is an author, an Inner Wisdom coach for women, a speaker and an intuitive. Her mission is to bring more love and light into this world through empowering women. Soul growth, soul connection and following her soul path is Jennifer’s North Star.

Jennifer has trained as a coach (in three schools, including energy coaching), is ICF accredited and has over 10 years of coaching experience. This, though, is just a small part of what she brings.

Jennifer’s life has been about spiritual soul growth and connecting within and beyond. She is an Intuitive, a Chakra Inner Healing coach, a Reiki master, a Munay-Ki rites initiate, a Tarot reader. She alchemises all these elements into empowering women. It is her connection with her intuition and inner wisdom that guides her in empowering women to ignite their own shifts.

As an Inner Wisdom coach, she journeys with women to enable them to deepen their connection within. She writes and speaks about the challenges she has had to overcome (and is still overcoming) to step into who she is here to be.
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