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Argren Blue by Ross Hightower


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Argren Blue by Ross Hightower

When Alar joined the resistance, he dreamed of throwing the imperial oppressors out of Argren. But as the inexperienced rebels reel from one disaster to another, Alar wonders if the Empire notices them at all. Until the day he discovers he has powers not seen since the great heroes of the past.

As he explores his newfound abilities, an imperial witch appears to ask the rebels to rescue prisoners from an Inquisition prison. The plan is crazy, but the rebels have been riding the ragged edge of crazy for years. Though their surprising success revives their dreams, they may come to regret drawing the Empire’s attention.

When a powerful inquisitor sends novice Harold Wolfe to root out the nascent rebel group, Harold has to wonder why. As a half-breed, Wolfe, is persecuted for his humble origins. By the time he discovers the trap, it’s too late to escape the tangled web involving the rebels, a mysterious assassin, a corrupt imperial governor, and foreign mercenaries, all vying for a cache of priceless art.

While Harold looks for a way out, Alar and the rebels fight for their land, their people, and their freedom.

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Author Bio:​

Somehow, after spending most of his life in the south, Ross found himself living in Milwaukee and loving it. One cold, snowy morning, not too long ago, he woke with a story stuck in his head. That wasn’t unusual, but what happened next was unprecedented. He wrote it down. That small story grew into his first novel, Spirit Sight.

While he contemplated the second book in the Spirit Song trilogy, he started a prequel with his partner of 35 years, Deb. That resulted in Argren Blue which appeared in May 2023.

Some might wonder why he took so long to find his calling in life, but he’s just grateful he did.
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