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Abruzzo and Sweet Bordeaux wines welcome Bloggers with The Charming Taste of Europe


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Are you ready to plunge into the authentic and fascinating atmosphere of “old country”? There are places in Europe with a timeless charm, birthplace of the highest quality products with unmistakable tastes. Products that evoke such charm and embody the culture, the history, the art and the heritage of their territories. A unique and unrepeatable mix of ingredients, represented by two types of wine that have made it their flagship. What are these wines? Read on!

Wines of character and history

The wines of Abruzzo reflect in their nuances and sincere character the salient traits of the inhabitants of this land, a place where the enological experience is renewed day after day in the wake of tradition, with an attentive eye on experimentation and consumer tastes. The Consortium protects wines with Controlled Designation of Origin such as Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Doc, Trebbiano d’Abruzzo Doc, Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo Doc, Abruzzo Doc, Villamagna Doc. In the last decades Abruzzo viticulture has made a leap forward in terms of qualitative growth. Thanks to the constant and pervasive work conducted by a new generation of producers, focused on the enhancement of the territory of its most important indigenous grape varieties, its wines have recorded a great success every year in national and international competitions as well as an increasing interest on the markets.

Born in the heart of a terroir that is unique in the world, exalted by ancestral skills, Sweet Bordeaux Wines are above all a human adventure, the endeavor of valiant men and women. In the largest white wine producing region in France (9259 ha in 2020), arise 8 Appellations, 8 interpretations of sweetness. Discover the story of these fabulous glimmering gold wines, with their opulent, complex aromas and richly enveloping palates. Wines of exceptional aromatic subtlety that are sensual, ethereal and voluptuous for all occasions and all tastes. Today 9 million bottles are produced, and about 38% of production is exported.

The promotional campaign

These exceptional wines are the protagonists of the Charming Taste of Europe, a special project presented to the WBC2022 bloggers that links the flavors of wine from Italy and France and of fresh fruit from Greece. Through the superb high quality Italian wines and the melodious French golden wines, produced with the artistry of agricultural traditions, combined with the juicy kiwis and cherries from Greece, this campaign will awaken the senses and a new culinary consciousness by connecting food, cultures, and territories.

Attendees of the 2022 Wine Media Conference will meet the Campaign and the Sweet Wines of Bordeaux and the Wines of Abruzzo, respectively, during the two Discovery Sessions on Friday, Sept. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 1.

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