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A Wicked Game of Trust – Two Faced by Amy K. Jones


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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A Wicked Game of Trust – Two Faced by Amy K. Jones

A cunning man with a vivid imagination and the money to bring reality to other people’s fantasies, Theodore Duncan finds himself in a position to gain an unlikely ally in his efforts to locate a woman presumed dead for over a year, or discover who has taken her place. The woman he seeks, Anna Peteskow, is the one remaining of three power figures in the underworld of the world, enjoying the freedom to influence governments around the globe and eliminate those who oppose her without ever hitting a headline, if you don’t count her understated obituary in an Ohio newspaper.

The ally he discovers has all the power the rest of his people lack; she is Anna’s youngest daughter. If Duncan can discover Anna Peteskow alive, Jennifer Peteskow can attest to Anna’s absence from her family home at critical moments of world events, and if she will do that, others can attest to where Anna really was and with whom. But can Duncan trust this young woman who may be taking over Anna’s operations, could be issuing orders to her operatives as artfully and secretly as her mother once did? Does Jenny, Anna Peteskow’s youngest daughter, know what sinister things her mother has done while maintaining the unflappable appearance of a doting homemaker? Is Jenny Duncan’s enemy, or a hapless fool caught up in a vengeful plot devised by her mother to get to him?

In A WICKED GAME of TRUST (a 4-book series), you’ll be taken into the underworld of the superpowers with Jenny Peteskow. You’ll meet people who control the happenings you see on the news from around the globe and catch a glimpse of where leaders and operatives go when they wish to, or need to, hide from each other. You’ll discover how a commercial jet liner can crash yet remain completely intact, everyone surviving except the two people a man wants captured and delivered to him. You’ll learn what it feels like to fight, yet lose your freedom and completely disappear.

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Author Bio:​

Amy K. Jones is a native Floridian. She loves to road-trip, exploring back roads and out of the way places around the United States with her husband and family. As she travels, she enjoys meeting people and getting to know a little about the history of each area she passes through. Spontaneous day trips have given her husband (Book Cover Artist, Jason M. Jones) fodder for the beautiful book covers he creates for her and sparked her own imagination endlessly.

Amy began her writing career over two decades ago and says she still finds writing most entertaining and challenging despite the hard work and long hours. ‘It’s a solitary work environment,’ she says of writing, ‘but there’s never a dull moment in my days.’ When she isn’t writing or on the road, she operates her website and offers help and encouragement to other very talented, up-and-coming authors.
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