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A Knock in the Attic by John Russell


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Mar 19, 2024
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A Knock in the Attic by John Russell

“These stories are terrifyingly fantastic. The author’s experience as a psychic and ghost chaser allow him to tell unique, haunting stories. This book is hard to put down.” — Judge, 30th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards

John’s second multi-award-winning book, A Knock in the Attic, is, as Uri Geller stated, “a fascinating true story of incredible psychic experiences.” And speaking of Uri, John gets to meet his psychic hero face-to-face in an amazing encounter that proves that Uri’s gifts (and John’s) are real.

Follow John on the trail of the assassin as he gives you a behind-the-scenes look at what it was like to film a TV pilot for The History Channel as he psychically investigated Lincoln’s assassination, discovering a plot that ran deeper than most realize. The accuracy of his psychic insights during his investigations were verified by the docents at the historic sites he explored as well as the production team, and he also stimulated paranormal activity, some of which was captured on film.

John travels to Roswell, New Mexico, where a chance meeting with an eyewitness to the infamous UFO crash validates that it was a real event and explains why so many witnesses to UFOs are reluctant to come forward.

Read about the investigation of a haunted horse barn where both the horses and the employees were continually spooked by ghostly manifestations. Be as astonished by a belated Christmas Miracle as the others who witnessed it and who said that it was practically impossible for John’s family to have escaped such deadly circumstances unharmed. And then…what was that knocking in the attic? Get your copy of A Knock in the Attic today and enjoy reading true stories about incredible paranormal manifestations, spine-chilling tales that you won’t soon forget!

John Russell has been a professional psychic for 50 years. Internationally known, he has provided psychic readings for clients in over 40 countries. For over 18 years he has been a popular featured guest, heard worldwide, on many radio shows and podcasts, including nine appearances on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.

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Author Bio:​

John Russell has been a professional psychic for over 50 years. Internationally known, he has provided psychic readings for clients in over 40 countries, and still reads for a worldwide clientele.

He has been a paranormal researcher and investigator since age 11 and has experienced over 1,000 paranormal manifestations. In addition he is a UFO experiencer with multiple interactions.

Over the decades John has studied, investigated, and practiced an abundance of psychic/paranormal disciplines: He is experienced in psychometry; clairvoyance (remote viewing); séances; telekinesis; crystal ball gazing; ghosts; hauntings; ESP; paranormal investigations; UFOS; mediumship; Tarot readings; healing/remote healing; utilizing crystals; stones; Runes; and many, many other aspects of the psychic, occult, spiritual, religious, and paranormal realms.

John filmed a TV pilot for The History Channel in which he psychically explored the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. The accuracy of John’s psychic insights during his investigations were verified by the docents at the historic sites he explored as well as the production team, and he also stimulated paranormal activity, some of which was captured on film.

For over 18 years he has been a popular featured guest—heard worldwide—on over 100 different radio shows and podcasts including appearances on 12 different United Kingdom podcasts. In 42 months John has been interviewed over 180 times, including 11 interviews with JV Johnson of Paranormal Reality TV, 10 appearances to date on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, 9 interviews with Cristina Gomez, a 2024 debut appearance on Fade To Black with Jimmy Church, and many more.

He’s a published author of nonfiction with three multi-award-winning books in print: Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead and A knock in the Attic. A third book, 20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities, was published in 2023 and hit the Barnes & Noble Top 100 Bestselling Books, and John’s finished authoring his fourth book, The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock, due for publication in 2024, and is writing his fifth volume now: The Can Sack Ghost.
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