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A Disgraced Knight by Laurencia Hoffman


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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A Disgraced Knight by Laurencia Hoffman

He betrayed his country for love. Now, he will do whatever it takes to claim redemption.

Forced to work for the enemy kingdom, Robin, the former Knight of Daloran, longs to return to the home he’s been banished from and prove himself to the people who view him as a traitor. However, after fighting for months on end, he is forced into medical leave.

But rest is the last thing on Robin’s mind.

Struggling to navigate his complicated new reality, he takes dangerous risks in the hope of building connections with those who can accept him, flaws and all. Can he find a place where he belongs? Or will his inability to forgive himself stand in his way of future happiness?

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Author Bio:​

Laurencia Hoffman specializes in various sub-genres of romance. Her stories often focus on the darker side of fiction, but love and survival remain the central themes throughout her work.

When she’s not writing, she also enjoys playing video games with her family, listening to music, satisfying her sweet tooth, and watching films.
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