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10 leaders share insights and encouragement for women in the workplace


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Question: What’s one of the 10 leaders’ insights about encouragement for women in the workplace?
Answer: ‘Take time away to sustain the energy you need.’

“Women take on significant responsibilities, particularly as their personal and professional commitments expand to encompass managing a household alongside their careers. Nonetheless, women typically possess distinctive qualifications for both roles, showcasing their capacity to prioritize, empathize and multitask effectively. It’s crucial for women to ensure they get adequate rest to sustain the energy needed to fulfill the diverse roles they undertake with ease and grace.“
Jessica Hawthorne-Castro, Hawthorne Advertising

For the full article go to “10 leaders share insights and encouragement for women in the workplace” at The Business Journals.

The post 10 leaders share insights and encouragement for women in the workplace appeared first on Hawthorne Advertising.
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